Our Values
We get to give. Giving is not something we have to do, its something we get to do. We give above and beyond whats required because we want to be like Jesus. Our motivation for giving is LOVE. We love God and want to honor His people. We love people and want to reach them. We're generous people because we've been loved by a faithful God and we celebrate any opportunity to give.
When we serve others we show the character of Jesus, serving is part of our DNA.
Whatever It Takes
No excuses! The importance of our mission transcends job description. Nobody says "thats not my job." Any problem is everyones problem.
Never Stop Growing
Personally, professionally, spiritually, living things grow, growing things change, and we don't apologize for church growth.
Reject Good For Great
God deserves our best, even if it takes more time or requires more energy.
Don't settle for good enough.
Lead From The Front
People are watching you; show them the way. People cant follow you to a place you wont go. Be first to move!